Monday, March 5, 2012

Save the Storks!

I have long been concerned that well-meaning (and unfortunately some not-so-well-meaning) Christians inadvertently work against the furtherance of the gospel, simply by taking the wrong approach or attitude regarding the challenges posed by the sins of the world.  Sometimes we'll get carried away in asserting our position against something (legislation that seems to promote or facilitate an immoral lifestyle, for example).  Other times we may simply be taken the wrong way because we're not even sure how to engage someone so seemingly different (though really not) in love in the first place.

However, it is incredibly encouraging to also see examples where Christians are finding new and creative ways to be a blessing to those who are hurting, meet people at their point of need, and share with them the good news of the love of Jesus.  So today I was excited to read an article about an organization in Dallas, TX called Save the Storks.  There are all sorts of details in the above link (a long, but good read), but to summarize, some folks got the idea to put a sonogram machine in a van and then park it in front of abortion clinics, offering free sonograms, pregnancy tests, and counseling to potential or expectant mothers looking for another "choice."

And the awesome thing is, they are seeing fruit from their labor.  Because they first engage a woman with a simple and friendly offer to help her, addressing her immediate need that resulted in her trip to the abortion clinic to begin with results in being able to address a whole host of associated needs, most significantly being her need to know Jesus.  In addition to the aforementioned services they offer, they are partnered with an organization called Get Involved for Life, which operates a couple of pregnancy centers in Dallas.  Beyond that partnership they will also facilitate an expectant mother getting whatever other pregnancy center might be close to their present location.  Thus far, based on experience they estimate that 70% of the women they engage end up choosing not to abort.  Working the numbers this has shown a potential to impact 25 mothers a week, or as many at 800 a year!

Their two-fold mission says it all: "We seek to persuade every abortion-minded mother to choose life and to share with them the good news of Jesus."  Recognizing that it is not only a precious child whose life is at stake but also the soul of the mother, they seek to share the gospel with every woman who steps into their vehicle.  Because at the heart of abortion lies a devaluation of life, countering it with the gospel and letting the power of God work healing in the mother's life turns the tide and as a result both mother and child can leave with their lives forever altered for the better.

All this comes at a price though.  The van alone cost $140,000 to put together, and there are still the day-to-day operating costs.  However, their site has a variety of ideas of ways to support their work, along with a store where they are selling t-shirts and a site with options for making direct donations.

Either way, check them out and see about ways that you too can spread the word about the great stuff God is doing through them!